Prayer for Healing n' Protection
To be used and adapted individually, in common with others, or as a preparation for an event.
Introduction: focus on and praise God…
Heavenly Father, I [we] praise you for all you are and thank you for all that you have given me [us]. You are my [our] Creator and have redeemed me [us] through the Blood of Jesus Christ your Son and you have sealed me [us] with the Holy Spirit for the Day of redemption.
...Bind yourself to Jesus…
In Jesus’ Name, I bind my whole person – heart and desires, soul and spirit, body and emotions – to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ; I bind my mind to the Mind that is in Christ Jesus and I bind myself to your highest and best purpose for my life and ministry. Father, anoint me and anoint my prayer as I seek your guidance. [Pray in the Spirit]
…If necessary, repent of your sins and forgive…
I acknowledge my sins before you, Father, repent and ask forgiveness for my sins and failings. I open my heart, Lord, and receive your forgiveness. I also choose this day to forgive all who have ever offended me [especially name those whose with whom you have taken offense] and in the Name of Jesus loose from me any strongholds of unforgiveness.
...Bind and cast out the forces of darkness…
[name and deal with particular spirits, where necessary and appropriate]
In the Name of Jesus Christ, and to the extent of the authority that He has given me as a member of His Body, I come against, bind in His Precious Blood and break the power of all evil spirits of the air, fire, water, earth and under the earth. I take authority over and bind in the Precious Blood of Jesus the principalities, thrones, dominations and powers under the rule of the kingdom of darkness. I bind all ministering, familial, generational spirits as well as spirits of sickness and infirmity. I bind in Jesus’ Name, spirits of the occult. Finally, I come against the spirits of the capital sins and all spirits of wickedness and iniquity in the Precious Blood of Jesus. I command these and any spirits operating through my brokenness in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to leave peacefully and quietly and go immediately and directly to Jesus Christ in his Eucharistic Presence to be disposed of by Him and never again return to harm me.
...Come against and reverse curses…
In the Name of Jesus I come against, cancel, loose from me and reverse the effects of all hexes, curses, spells and incantations, programs, or assignments that have ever been perpetrated against me, my family, ministry, work, loved ones, finances, and property. I loose in me – and all those bonded with me by holy bonds – the blessings of freedom and life in Christ’s covenant. I apply to them the balm of the Holy Spirit for healing. I bless those who have ever cursed me.
...Break strongholds and sever UN-holy bonds…
Father, heal my negative emotions and re-order my passions. Heal the wounds of my body, heart and spirit. In Jesus’ Name I destroy and loose from me every stronghold against the knowledge of God and obedience to Christ. Especially, I come against the strongholds of [Name particular strongholds] and I destroy them in Jesus’ Name. I declare today that my only stronghold is the Lord Jesus Christ and His mighty virtue. I take the sword of the Spirit and in Jesus’ Name, cut and sever all un-holy and unclean bonds between me and any other person, place, organization, activity or thing. Lord, as you remove those unholy bonds, I pray you fill that area where that un-holiness existed with your Holy Spirit in order that I come to know and share in true communion with you and your Church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
…Ask for the Holy Spirit…
Heavenly Father, through your Son Jesus, fill me completely with your Holy Spirit that I may overflow with your abundant love. Seal me with this same Spirit and anoint me so that, guided with His power, I may aspire today to that which you have purposed for me. I pray that this day I will walk with you as your child in making decisions after your Heart. I pray for uprightness in my relationships with you and others. Father grant me the grace to work with you in bringing into right order my emotions and passions. And give me strength to follow through with firm purpose the plans you lay before me, even in the face of difficulty and trial.
Finally, Father, fill me with gifts from on high –holy fear of offending you, true piety, in my relationships godly fortitude, docility to godly counsel, knowledge to conduct my life aright, understanding and perspective of the way things fit together and wisdom to guide my thoughts, words and conduct.
I sum, I pray that you bring me more into the likeness of your Son, Christ Jesus in all things through the power of the Holy Spirit.
All this I ask in the Name of Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen