I don't think of myself as a writer... more of an artist at heart. Discipline is a major problem when it comes to writing...but my thoughts are that 'I'm never too old to learn." So here goes...I found this an interesting read this morning, an article from The Bleeping Herald.
http://www.whatthebleep.com/herald13/cuba.shtml If we have eyes to see and ears to hear… we can learn so much from our neighbors. A priest friend told me once, when I had asked some spiritual questions, he said, “When you go into a grocery store you don’t buy everything you see on the shelves, you pick and choose and leave the rest for someone else.” I try to apply this bit of wisdom to life in general, even with this article. There is a lot we can glean from what it says…take what we can use and leave the rest for others. A wonderful candle to burn is "The Jebez Candle", found at