For the past few weeks I feel my mind and my life has been on this path, this spiritual
labyrinth maze of discovery and healing. My meditations and time in prayer is focused using this prayer of release...
labyrinth maze of discovery and healing. My meditations and time in prayer is focused using this prayer of release...
Prayer of Release
O Holy Spirit, please show me, all the negative thoughts and negative feelings within me: find the time they began, the source of them...(list them)___________________.
With each and every image, impression given to me... I ponder their meaning and with as much understanding as I have... I bring them forward in time, surrounded with God's healing Love. Knowing that as I bring them into the present time, at every level they are being healed. I can feel God's Peace and His Love envelope me, as I forgive myself for my false perceptions and as I forgive every person, every place, every circumstance and event which reinforced these feeling and thoughts in me. With complete forgiveness and the unconditional love of God I erase them from my very being. I place them into the outstretched hand of God and in the Light of His Truth, His Word, I release them... I know that every physical, emotional and spiritual problem and every inappropriate behavior based on these old feelings quickly disappear. I feel exalted, filled with new life, new hope and new energy___________________ (list other ways you want to feel...new peace...)
O Holy Spirit, please show me, all the negative thoughts and negative feelings within me: find the time they began, the source of them...(list them)___________________.
With each and every image, impression given to me... I ponder their meaning and with as much understanding as I have... I bring them forward in time, surrounded with God's healing Love. Knowing that as I bring them into the present time, at every level they are being healed. I can feel God's Peace and His Love envelope me, as I forgive myself for my false perceptions and as I forgive every person, every place, every circumstance and event which reinforced these feeling and thoughts in me. With complete forgiveness and the unconditional love of God I erase them from my very being. I place them into the outstretched hand of God and in the Light of His Truth, His Word, I release them... I know that every physical, emotional and spiritual problem and every inappropriate behavior based on these old feelings quickly disappear. I feel exalted, filled with new life, new hope and new energy___________________ (list other ways you want to feel...new peace...)
I will... to will... the will of God!!