Look around, look at history and see If what I say is not important. In the last half century events in our world have escalated to such a crisis ... our only hope is in our God... we need to come together in prayer for God's Truth and Justice to prevale in the world. The wars, the greed and corruption of the elite rich and those in power, the destroying of the innocent, the poor... "Jesus Savior, Son of God...Have mercy on us and on the whole world." By repeating Jesus Holy Name hundreds of times...daily. A very powerful prayer that we could pray for Truth and Justice is...
The prayer that follows must be recited for nine consecutive Tuesdays, lighting a candle on each Tuesday. This miraculous Saint has been known to grant anything, no matter how difficult it is, before the ninth Tuesday.
"Novena to Saint Martha"
Saint Martha, I resort to thy aid and protection. As proof of my affection and faith, I offer thee this light, which I shall burn every Tuesday.
Comfort me in all my difficulties and through the great favors thou didst enjoy when the Savior was lodged in thy house, intercede for my family, that we be provided for in our necessities. I ask of thee, Saint Martha, to overcome all difficulties as thou didst overcome the dragon which thou hadst at thy feet. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Recite the following prayers... Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be...
Let us pray...pray for healing freedom in our lives and in our world. "O Lord, with the winnowing fan of Your Divine Will, separate good from evil."