This first one affirms for me one of my early blogs; "A Story of Life" June 6, 2006.
"Thank you, Sue Ann and June! You make me anxious to share a special experience when doing the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd with children 3 to 5 years old. I had just finished telling the Bible story to the Catechesis class, and I ended with ....."and the people loved Jesus so-o-o much, ....and Jesus loves us so-o-o much!" I looked up at the class, who seemed to be in that world with Jesus. My 5-year-old grandson was in that class. He, too, was just staring into space, and when I said "...and Jesus loves us so-o-o much", he answered softly "yeah.... ."
I am convinced we are so close to God when born, and seem to grow away from God with our years. Thank God for " conversion" experiences! " One of my own was standing next to the Christmas creche under our Christmas tree, as a small child, enjoying the scent of the cookies my Mother was baking in the kitchen, and looking at the Blessed family, and crying softly with tears of joy."
Love, Peace, Blessings... Jeanette
"Thank you, Sue Ann and June! You make me anxious to share a special experience when doing the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd with children 3 to 5 years old. I had just finished telling the Bible story to the Catechesis class, and I ended with ....."and the people loved Jesus so-o-o much, ....and Jesus loves us so-o-o much!" I looked up at the class, who seemed to be in that world with Jesus. My 5-year-old grandson was in that class. He, too, was just staring into space, and when I said "...and Jesus loves us so-o-o much", he answered softly "yeah.... ."
I am convinced we are so close to God when born, and seem to grow away from God with our years. Thank God for " conversion" experiences! " One of my own was standing next to the Christmas creche under our Christmas tree, as a small child, enjoying the scent of the cookies my Mother was baking in the kitchen, and looking at the Blessed family, and crying softly with tears of joy."
Love, Peace, Blessings... Jeanette
"Thank you, June for sharing your Grandson's beautiful response to the raising of Our Lord's body at Mass. There are so many instances when we can learn so much about our faith if we just listen to the children. Perhaps this would be a good place and time for us to share some of our experiences : this Christmas Eve, I was at Mass with my Grandson. The choir had just finished singing a well known song when he looked up at me and asked, "Who's Gloria ?". God Bless the Children," Sue Ann
"Today is First Friday, which reminds me of something that happened last First Friday.I took my grandson Thomas, who had just turned 2 the week before, to First Friday Mass with me. I told him he had to be quiet because we were going to church. He said, "Be quiet" as we walked in. And he was. Although he talks a blue streak now, he did not say one word, until the Consecration when the priest elevated the Host, and then Thomas whispered, "Jesus." I thought I would cry. Out of the mouths of babes.... How many adults do not believe that the Host is Jesus??? Our Lady always addresses us "Dear children" - she wants us to have that faith of a child.This echoes what we heard in yesterday's gospel:He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said, "Amen, I say to you,unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven.Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven."...June Klins
Queen of peace prayer group... http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mir_peace_shalom/
And the little children shall lead us...
May the Heavens open their windows and shower over you blessings n' they become you...