A lily does not worry about tomorrow; for each day has enough worries of its own. Can you, for all your worrying change anything on your own? God's plans are laid out for us and we must trust Jesus entirely! So, do you want to be a lily?
St. John Chrysostom wrote. In fact they are Your words, Your words to us through me; this is what You said:
"I, your father, I, your spouse, I, your home, I, your nurse, I, your root, I, your foundation. What ever you want. I will be. You lack nothing. I will work for you. For I came to serve and not to be served. I will be your friend and your host, your head and your brother, your sister and your mother. I will be everything. Only be intimate with me!
I will be poor for you, errant for you, on the Cross for you, in the tomb for you. Above I plead with the Father for your sake, on earth I became intercessor to the Father for your sake. You are everything for Me, brother, co-heir, friend and member. What more do you want?"
Lilies Of The Field... by John Michael Talbot
presented by neovista11
Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today. Matthew 6:34
O Lord, let me become repulsed of all that does not come from You, keep me hidden in You, give me wisdom to instruct me so that You through me can accomplish Your designs on Your Church. Let me , by inhaling from Your Mouth the graces I need to keep my soul tranquil and in peace. O Lord, let not one of your sheep be lost, let the fig tree blossom and the vine bear fruit. Jesus, I trust you...Amen.
Peace that comes from God...