We Entrust to You the New Millennium
Today we wish to entrust to you the future that awaits us, and we ask you to be with us on our way. We are the men and women of an extraordinary time, exhilarating yet full of contradictions.
Humanity now has instruments of unprecedented power: we can turn this world into a garden, or reduce it to a pile of rubble.
We have devised the astounding capacity to intervene in the very well-springs of life: man can use this power for good, within the bounds of the moral law, or he can succumb to the short-sighted pride of a science which accepts no limits, but tramples on the respect due to every human being.
Today as never before in the past, humanity stands at a crossroads. And once again, O Virgin Most Holy, salvation lies fully and uniquely in Jesus, your Son.
Pope John Paul II in the presence of 1,500 bishops in Rome, on October 8, 2000
Today we wish to entrust to you the future that awaits us, and we ask you to be with us on our way. We are the men and women of an extraordinary time, exhilarating yet full of contradictions.
Humanity now has instruments of unprecedented power: we can turn this world into a garden, or reduce it to a pile of rubble.
We have devised the astounding capacity to intervene in the very well-springs of life: man can use this power for good, within the bounds of the moral law, or he can succumb to the short-sighted pride of a science which accepts no limits, but tramples on the respect due to every human being.
Today as never before in the past, humanity stands at a crossroads. And once again, O Virgin Most Holy, salvation lies fully and uniquely in Jesus, your Son.
Pope John Paul II in the presence of 1,500 bishops in Rome, on October 8, 2000
God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding. Job 37:5
These words were said 8 years ago and our need to be in prayer today is for the Holy will of God, not our will but God's Will for these elections.
We need to trust in our Lord knowing that He is bigger then the storms. When we are in the middle of them we need to speak to the storm and tell the storm how big our God is...
We need to trust in our Lord knowing that He is bigger then the storms. When we are in the middle of them we need to speak to the storm and tell the storm how big our God is...
We need to be in prayer for the good in all things... to turn this country, this world into a garden of Love and peace.
Remember, He created the universe, He parted the Red Sea and led His people out. He did it in His way not ours...
We do not need to live out of fear, He is with us...