With the Holy Night fast approaching I feel like that small shepherd who is so poor... I have nothing to bring to the Christ Child but my empty hands.
Thank you...Billy Gilman - O Holy Night - a video presentation from rantr13 n' youtube.
Father Cantalamessa’s Christmas reflection: "This emptying of one's hands and pockets of every pretension, in a spirit of poverty and humility, is the best way to prepare for Christmas.
"We are reminded of it by a delightful Christmas legend that I would like to mention again. It narrates that among the shepherds who ran on Christmas night to adore the Child, there was one who was so poor that he had nothing to offer and was very ashamed. Reaching the grotto all competed to offer their gifts. Mary did not know what to do to receive them all, having to hold the Child in her arms.
"Then, seeing the shepherd with his hands free, she entrusted Jesus to him. To have empty hands was his fortune and, on another plane, will also be ours."
(Thank you... Zenit.org)
May your Christmas be of empty hands,