Alone in His distress and sorrow, our Lord found "The Garden Of Gethsemane" to be a place of great suffering for Him. Then something happened. Before He left to face the mob led by Judas to arrest Him, Jesus found that the garden was a place of strength...
Matthew 26:39 'My Father, if it is possible, do not let this happen. However, I want to do the things that you desire. I choose not to do the things that I desire.'
Reflections from Fr. Tom Rosica, CSB during the fifth week of Lent. This the sixth in a series of reflections from Salt and Light Television. Additional reflections and resources can be found at
I believe that when I come before Jesus n’ ask Him what to pray for in my needs, my desires, my concerns … I trust then that my prayer is in His will. “Let thy Holy Will be done!”
Jesus tells us as we read Luke 24:36-49, when He came to those gathered together, after rising from the dead on the third day, showing them He was not a spirit but of flesh n’ bone. He said to them, he opened their minds that all that was written in scripture was fulfilled; that repentance n’ forgiveness of sins in his name was to be spread through out the world… that they were not alone. He said, “ And behold, I send the promise ( the Holy Spirit) of my Father upon you; but stay in the city, until you are clothed with power from on high.” RSV
We live in a world that is unsettling and in constant change; all of it seems to be happening at a rapid speed. Please meditate on this passage and respond to what Jesus is saying to you… pray for what He puts on your heart. That we become of one accord in prayer! Acts 1:14… Jesus…Jesus…Jesus… Repeat his Holy Name frequently…
Peter stood with the eleven apostles and spoke in a loud and clear voice to the crowd:
Friends and everyone else living in Jerusalem, listen carefully to what I have to say! You are wrong to think that these people are drunk. After all, it is only nine o'clock in the morning. But this is what God had the prophet Joel say,
"When the last days come, I will give my Spirit to everyone. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will have dreams. In those days I will give my Spirit to my servants, both men and women, and they will prophesy. I will work miracles in the sky above and wonders on the earth below. There will be blood and fire and clouds of smoke. The sun will turn dark, and the moon will be as red as blood before the great and wonderful day of the Lord appears. Then the Lord will save everyone who asks for his help." Acts 2: 14-21
God said He would pour His Spirit out over all the world. He is doing that today. Please take time and visit this visual website and see what the Holy Spirit is doing...