I believe that when I come before Jesus n’ ask Him what to pray for in my needs, my desires, my concerns … I trust then that my prayer is in His will. “Let thy Holy Will be done!”
Jesus tells us as we read Luke 24:36-49, when He came to those gathered together, after rising from the dead on the third day, showing them He was not a spirit but of flesh n’ bone. He said to them, he opened their minds that all that was written in scripture was fulfilled; that repentance n’ forgiveness of sins in his name was to be spread through out the world… that they were not alone. He said, “ And behold, I send the promise ( the Holy Spirit) of my Father upon you; but stay in the city, until you are clothed with power from on high.” RSV
We live in a world that is unsettling and in constant change; all of it seems to be happening at a rapid speed. Please meditate on this passage and respond to what Jesus is saying to you… pray for what He puts on your heart. That we become of one accord in prayer! Acts 1:14… Jesus…Jesus…Jesus… Repeat his Holy Name frequently…
May Jesus lift his hands and bless us…