"It was the stone rejected by the builders that proved to be the keystone"
My Lord Jesus, You were rejected then as the Messiah, because their spirit was not prepared, their hearts were closed and hard, yet You proved to be The Keystone. In our generation, my Lord, the effusion of Your Holy Spirit is also rejected by the 'builders' and yet one day Your Holy Spirit will prove to all of us that He was the Keystone. By denying and suppressing Your Holy Spirit that comes to us as the Reminder, 'the builders' are preparing again their own downfall.
See how former predictions have come true? indeed, I have said that "the Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My Name will teach you everything and remind you of all I have said to you" but I knew all along that only a remnant would listen and return to Me; these very ones who would listen to Me, I shall invest with My Holy Spirit of Wisdom and Insight; yes, I shall invest them with My Spirit of Counsel and Knowledge; and the flickering light that now is left in this world will become a vivid fire...
I repeat, that My Holy Spirit of Grace is being sent out to the four corners of the earth to teach you to be holy and raise you up again into divine beings; the earth shall turn into a copy of heaven and thus My Will will be done; the prayer I have taught you to pray shall be fulfilled;
Lord! Turn then all of us away and quick from the path of delusion, may we be one, united, and live holy as your angels in heaven, like all souls who live in heaven and undivided in Your Love may we too share like them, Your Love in unity, so that the earth becomes a reflection of heaven, let Your Kingdom come and renew the earth with fresh things, let Your Holy Spirit in this second Pentecost come quick to renew us with a new spirit of love and transfigure us all into divine beings! Maranatha!
Peace be with you; I tell you truly that the days are coming when My Kingdom on earth shall be as it is in Heaven; you shall not remain divided for long now under these skies, soon you shall all be one, and Love will be dwelling among you: this is My Promise; but, My beloved ones, this renewal shall not come without tribulations; like any birth, this renewal will have its birth-pangs too, but the pains will also be quickly overtaken by joy...
I am pouring out My Spirit on you, generation, to water your desert and to make rivers out of your dry soil, yes! I shall water your desert and turn it into a Garden, eventually you will see the force of My Words and the splendor of My Beauty; I intend to bring you all back to divinity, one after the other; I am your Hope, I am your Refuge, I am your Counselor; Almighty, I Am;
Recognize the Times, recognize the gentle Breath of My Holy Spirit of Grace upon you; I am blowing now on your nations, raising up with My Breath your dead, turning them into a reflection of My Image; I am raising new disciples every single day to glorify My Name again and evangelize with love for Love;
I ask you, then, My beloved ones, to pray daily for My second Coming, which is the second Pentecost; pray for the conversion of souls that they may convert before My Coming; come to Me as you are and lean on Me, as John, My beloved one, leaned on Me; you too, place your head on My Bosom and listen to Love's Heartbeats, every heartbeat is a call for Love, all I ask from you is a return of love; love Me, adore Me, rejoice Me your Lord;
I bless you, leaving My Sigh of Love on your forehead; be one...
Thank you sweet Jesus...