A good friend of mine sent to me a letter her husband wrote to our local newspaper . The morning he wrote it he woke up with these words burning in his heart. Can we not make this into a prayer for our country... O America !
My wife and I were talking to a young man who returned from Iraq this spring and said he may be going to Afghanistan. We thanked him for his service and said “God bless you”. He looked up and said very clearly “Merry Christmas”. This made me think: what is he fighting for?
Today we have all kinds of vulgar and pornographic expressions under the “Freedom of Speech” & “Freedom of Expression” First Amendment. However, the “political correctness police” have discouraged saying “Merry Christmas” for years now because it may “offend” someone. As many of you know, a democracy is supposed to be run by the majority of its people-not the minority that may object! There was a large minority that objected to the Revolutionary War, they were called “Tories”, but the majority of Americans wanted Freedom and that is what we got.
It is said, “All it takes for evil to thrive is for good people to do nothing”. Please pray for the soul of our wonderful Country, be Patriotic, freely express our Age Old sayings such as: “Merry Christmas”, “In God We Trust”, and “God Bless America”!
No one will arrest you----------Yet.
Tim McCarthy, Pequot Lakes, MN
Please pray for our country and put CHRISTmas back in our nation...