Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
When our situations have been reduced to rubble and dust... God creates the biggest miracles. When God created Adam ... He needed nothing more than dust and the power of his breath. Genesis 2:7 and the Lord formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life: and man became a living soul. I have a good friend. As a child he was terribly abused. He was not allowed any play things what so ever. One day... with tear filled eyes… he told me how he had been sent to his room for days... to just sit on the floor. As he sat, he saw dust beneath the bed. He reached and picked some up; he pinched and rolled…till he formed a tiny football. He spoke of the hours of joy he spent playing with the tiny football made of dust. As he spoke my heart swelled with love and gratitude for our Lord. I said to my friend.... My how God loved you. He took dust and formed man... He took dust and formed you a toy. My friend replied... I never thought of that. What was once such a terrible tragedy in his life now was a miracle as he had seen Gods love and hand for himself. Thank you Lord. No problem is too big or too small for You. So today I pray for those who feel their lives have been reduced to rubble and dust. Thank You Father. Your greatest miracles... Your greatest gifts... came from dust... touched by Your almighty love. God is working with the dust of our lives... He will create miracles.
Love Therese
As I read this prayer letter I cried at the sweetness of our God.
May you be blest beyond all you desire and may you see His Hand in your life and the world around you.