I am so uplifted, so full of hope n' joy as I continue to read the messages from Anne, a lay apostle. In this message our Mother wants to share God’s joy with us so that we will understand why our work is so important.
My dear consecrated souls, this is what we are
doing. Only instead of removing children, we are
changing the environment. You must assist with
this problem. God is no longer allowing this
choke hold of sin. It is very simple. He has said,
“Enough.” As with every people and every time,
you must come to know the love of your God so
you will not have to meet the wrath of your God.
This is nothing new to you, souls of my heart.
You have heard all of this before. The new part is
the vast amount of grace that God is pouring over
this world to fuel this renewal. That is why you
are going to see your efforts succeed like they have
not succeeded in the past. The world is asleep and
we seek to wake it from that sleep.
Volume 3... God Speaks to His Children; Aug. 13, 2003
I'm reminded of one of my favorite scripture verses where Jesus says..."I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing" Luke 12:49 I believe the blazes are spreading...
God Bless,