

I was not an accident, for God knew me before I was conceived, knew me as He formed me in my mother’s womb and he has a plan for my life just as He has a plan for each of us. This I am sure!
As I’ve looked back over my life, I’ve reflected on the fact that my maternal great grandfather was a Methodist minister, his daughter, my aunt, married a Presbyterian minister, his son, my grandfather’s step-family were Mormons; now on my father’s side I had cousins who were Baptist ministers and I was raised in the Episcopal Church. My church history has been very Ecumenical and really am not surprised that God brought me into The Catholic Faith…
I am a convert and Saints have become apart of my prayer life. I've been asked questions about the “Saints” and how I accepted praying to them, asking them to pray for my intentions. For me, it is no different then asking my family, my friends, my prayer group to pray for me… asking them is a powerful way to lift my prayers to Jesus.  The more I read about their lives, their walk with God the more I learn about my walk and how to live my life. St Joseph is my patron Saint and this is a little about what I’ve learned from his life.

The Bible pays Joseph the highest compliment: he was a "just" man. The quality meant a lot more than faithfulness in paying debts.
When the Bible speaks of God "justifying" someone, it means that God, the all-holy or "righteous" One, so transforms a person that the individual shares somehow in God's own holiness, and hence it is really "right" for God to love him or her. In other words, God is not playing games, acting as if we were lovable when we are not.
By saying Joseph was "just," the Bible means that he was one who was completely open to all that God wanted to do for him. He became holy by opening himself totally to God.
The rest we can easily surmise. Think of the kind of love with which he wooed and won Mary, and the depth of the love they shared during their marriage.
It is no contradiction of Joseph's manly holiness that he decided to divorce Mary when she was found to be with child. The important words of the Bible are that he planned to do this "quietly" because he was "a righteous man, yet unwilling to expose her to shame" (Matthew 1:19).
The just man was simply, joyfully, wholeheartedly obedient to God—in marrying Mary, in naming Jesus, in shepherding the precious pair to Egypt, in bringing them to Nazareth, in the undetermined number of years of quiet faith and courage.

The Bible tells us nothing of Joseph in the years after the return to Nazareth except the incident of finding Jesus in the Temple (see Luke 2:41–51). Perhaps this can be taken to mean that God wants us to realize that the holiest family was like every other family, that the circumstances of life for the holiest family were like those of every family, so that when Jesus' mysterious nature began to appear, people couldn't believe that he came from such humble beginnings: "Is he not the carpenter's son? Is not his mother named Mary...?" (Matthew 13:55a). It was almost as indignant as "Can anything good come from Nazareth?" (John 1:46b).

"He was chosen by the eternal Father as the trustworthy guardian and protector of his greatest treasures, namely, his divine Son and Mary, Joseph's wife. He carried out this vocation with complete fidelity until at last God called him, saying: 'Good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord'" (St. Bernardine of Siena). 

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