
And on This Altar

And on this Altar…
Creating a sacred space for times of prayer and meditation was a rite I delighted in. After all, this was time I spent with my Lord. For me, I began with a cross (of cut glass, a gift from my son and his wife); I added a picture of Jesus and one of his Mother Mary along with my bible and of course candles. Another piece I like to add is flowers…then I envision myself in the garden walking and talking with God.
Now, I believe that an altar is personal that what you place on it has meaning for you… find that special small table or chest. Maybe put a mirror on the wall; that when the candles burn it creates an illuminated reflection...and then start placing on this altar...
Candles with the fragrances of incense... "to the angel was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which is before the throne of God..."Revelations 8: 3, 4


All Life is Sacred

Come Holy One... Hear the song of our hearts as we see with the eyes of our souls...the Glory of Your Presence in life.

Psalm 98
The LORD Works Miracles
Sing a new song to the LORD!
He has worked miracles, and with his own powerful arm, he has won the victory.
The LORD has shown the nations that he has the power to save and to bring justice. God has been faithful in his love for Israel, and his saving power is seen everywhere on earth.
Tell everyone on this earth to sing happy songs in praise of the LORD. Make music for him on harps. Play beautiful melodies! Sound the trumpets and horns and celebrate with joyful songs for our LORD and King!
Command the ocean to roar with all of its creatures, and the earth to shout with all of its people. Order the rivers to clap their hands, and all of the hills to sing together.
Let them worship the LORD!
He is coming to judge everyone on the earth, and he will be honest and fair.



The Lord's Prayer as learned by Jesus...

Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name... Matthew 6:9

"The 'Lord's Prayer' was learned by the Messiah as the 'Kadish' from the Talmud." as translated by Christian scholar, Rev. John Gregorie, is as follows...
"Our Parent which art in heaven, be gracious to us, O Lord, our God; hallowed be thy name, and let the remembrance of thee be glorified in heaven above and in the earth here below. Let thy kingdom reign over us now and forever. The holy men of old said, Remit and forgive unto all men whatsoever they have done against me. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil thing. For thine is the kingdom, and thou shalt reign in glory for ever and for evermore."

I found this interesting when I read that the "LORDS PRAYER" Jesus taught the disciples comes from the Book his Jewish children studied. This brings me even closer in spirit with Israel.
The Lords Prayer Candle can be seen at

A story of life...

Many years ago, I read a story by Elie Wiesel. It was a story of an angel delivering a new soul at the moment of conception. I do not remember it word for word, but I do remember the hauntingly beautiful story of God’s love for us and of life, as we know it...begins at conception.

This is a paraphrase of that story,

Try to see in your minds eye, to image a place of such beauty where you knew you were in the very Presence of God. There is His throne in all its glory of light vector, such a splendor as never been told. Behind the throne of God, on drapes of spun gold, hang all souls that God created when He formed the world. Each soul, shining in its own brilliance, each a precious, gently flickering gem…waits to be clothed in the dust of Adams and Eves.

And as angels, heavenly messengers of God, see that it is time for these little souls to be born... they delight in this promise of life with song and dance. Then an angel tenderly removes a flickering, luminous soul from the gold hangings and begins its journey through the heavens to the womb of the mother. And on the journey, the angel tells the little soul all the secrets of the universe. That at the moment of birth all this knowledge is within the soul…

In time passing, I shared this story with a priest friend, who told me an extraordinary story of a young couple in his church. They had a new baby and when they brought him home and settled him in his crib, their little 4 year old asked if he could go in alone to see his new brother. The new parents agreed but were curious to this request, so they stood at the door and overheard their son as he approached the crib…”Quick, tell me all about God, I’m beginning to forget.”

As you contemplate Gods love, it's comforting to have a candles glow to illumine these good thoughts.
