This is a paraphrase of that story,
Try to see in your minds eye, to image a place of such beauty where you knew you were in the very Presence of God. There is His throne in all its glory of light vector, such a splendor as never been told. Behind the throne of God, on drapes of spun gold, hang all souls that God created when He formed the world. Each soul, shining in its own brilliance, each a precious, gently flickering gem…waits to be clothed in the dust of Adams and Eves.
And as angels, heavenly messengers of God, see that it is time for these little souls to be born... they delight in this promise of life with song and dance. Then an angel tenderly removes a flickering, luminous soul from the gold hangings and begins its journey through the heavens to the womb of the mother. And on the journey, the angel tells the little soul all the secrets of the universe. That at the moment of birth all this knowledge is within the soul…
In time passing, I shared this story with a priest friend, who told me an extraordinary story of a young couple in his church. They had a new baby and when they brought him home and settled him in his crib, their little 4 year old asked if he could go in alone to see his new brother. The new parents agreed but were curious to this request, so they stood at the door and overheard their son as he approached the crib…”Quick, tell me all about God, I’m beginning to forget.”
As you contemplate Gods love, it's comforting to have a candles glow to illumine these good thoughts.