"The 'Lord's Prayer' was learned by the Messiah as the 'Kadish' from the Talmud." as translated by Christian scholar, Rev. John Gregorie, is as follows...
"Our Parent which art in heaven, be gracious to us, O Lord, our God; hallowed be thy name, and let the remembrance of thee be glorified in heaven above and in the earth here below. Let thy kingdom reign over us now and forever. The holy men of old said, Remit and forgive unto all men whatsoever they have done against me. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil thing. For thine is the kingdom, and thou shalt reign in glory for ever and for evermore."
I found this interesting when I read that the "LORDS PRAYER" Jesus taught the disciples comes from the Book his Jewish children studied. This brings me even closer in spirit with Israel.
The Lords Prayer Candle can be seen at