Creating a sacred space for times of prayer and meditation was a rite I delighted in. After all, this was time I spent with my Lord. For me, I began with a cross (of cut glass, a gift from my son and his wife); I added a picture of Jesus and one of his Mother Mary along with my bible and of course candles. Another piece I like to add is flowers…then I envision myself in the garden walking and talking with God.
Now, I believe that an altar is personal that what you place on it has meaning for you… find that special small table or chest. Maybe put a mirror on the wall; that when the candles burn it creates an illuminated reflection...and then start placing on this altar...
Candles with the fragrances of incense... "to the angel was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which is before the throne of God..."Revelations 8: 3, 4