St. Jude, Preacher of the Good News of God's Reign
Jesus trained St. Jude and sent him and others to outlying villages to preach the Good News and work the Kingdom of God. After Jesus ascended into heaven, St. Jude continued the Lord's work and followed his command, "Go, therefore; make disciples of all the nations; baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teach them to observe all the commands I have given you. And know that I am with you always, even, to the end of time." (Mt 28: 19-20)
We sometimes think that we are not called or sent; mistakenly we think we have nothing to offer to the world or that we lack sufficient knowledge or power to change anything. We forget that through baptism we were commissioned just like St. Jude, "You are the salt of the earth... You are the light of the world... Your light must shine before all, so that, seeing your good works, they may praise your Father in heaven." (Mt 5: 13-16) Jesus warns us not to hide our light under a basket.
St. Jude knew how to bring the Good News of Jesus to others. He learned from the Lord that whenever we give food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit the sick or imprisoned, we befriend Jesus himself. (Mt 25: 31-47)
St. Jude courageously announced the Good News of God's love and energetically preached the coming of God's reign of justice, peace and love wherever he went. He remembered Jesus' words at the Last Supper, "In the world you will have trouble, but be brave; I have conquered the world." (Jn 16: 33)
St Jude, you left home and traveled afar in order to bring the Good News of God's love to all the nations. You preached enthusiastically about what you learned personally from the words and works of our Lord, Jesus. You courageously faced criticism, rejection and eventually martyrdom. Ask the Lord to send us his Spirit so that we might be faithful messengers of God's love, forgiveness and justice to our selfish, violent and unjust world. Help us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world by loving and compassionate way we speak to and treat one another. Amen.
I will act on my faith and bring the Good News of Jesus Christ by word, deed and example to someone.
Prayers to help you on your journey...
A candle to bring light to your prayer time...