
Remove the Cloud of Deception...

Can I interest you in an experiment?

I want to encourage you, to challenge you to pray this prayer daily. I know we can pray together, that it does not matter what doctrine or church we attend. The secret is coming together in the body of Christians who pray to the Father through Jesus Christ his son.
Evil is running ramped... in our world ... in our country (Luke 21, 5-19, take comfort n' be not afraid)... Jesus tells us that it is all going to fall apart. Is this what's happening now? I believe that as we come together in humbleness; that we need to look to him in prayer and share the feelings, the concerns of our heart. To me the words of this prayer speaks of the concerns through out the world. Let us have ears to hear, eyes to see... and hearts to pray. Lord, free our hands to work for your peace. It only takes one faithful person to change the course of history! Imagine what the body of Jesus Christ could do!

"Heavenly Father, Eternal Now, Creator of the Universe, Splendor of Heaven, listen with compassion to Your children who cry out to You. Pour out upon the earth Your Provision, Your Mercy, Your Love. With the winnowing fan of Your Divine Will, separate good from evil."

"Remove the cloud of deception Satan has placed over the heart of the world so that all people and every nation choose good over evil. No longer allow us to suffer from the evil choices of those who oppose Your Eternal Divine Will."
Jesus... Jesus... Jesus...

Now, look and see the Good that is happening and give 'Thanksgiving' to our God for opening our ears to hear n' our eyes to see the work of His hands!