I want to share one of Vassula's messages she received from Jesus. In these messages for our times, God is calling us to repentance, reconciliation, peace and unity. There is a strong message here, one of Love n' Hope n' Unity, if we but listen and pray and act...
"I love you; it is I, Jesus, who gives you this urge to meet Me; love Me always; I will tell you, My desires; I wish to unite all My priests; I desire from them to love Me more; I want from them purity, zeal, faithfulness; priests must understand that unity reinforces love, unity establishes love; for how long will discord reign among them? love is unity; My love unites them to Me; My Church is weak with their discordance My desire is Unity; I wish that My Church becomes one;
But Lord, if You say there is discord, someone will have to give in. How will they know?
...they must pray for enlightenment; they should come to Me and draw from My Heart;
Whom are You referring to, Jesus? When You talk about them and they?
All My Church; I desire them to unite and become one; My Church has weakened because of this distinction; It has weakened enormously;
My Lord, to me this sounds like a new message.
I will enlighten you, by showing you, in small phases, the way I work;
First, the teachings to me...
...then training, then the Ecclesiastical Editions, of Peace and Love, then guidance of Peace and Love with messages?
...yes, and now My desires, My desires of uniting My Church; how can a body function if one or two of its members are disabled or injured or dismembered? would it have the same capacity and strength as one which is whole? My Church is My Body; how can My Body function if they disable It? daughter, draw My sign, this was the sign of the first Christians; love was one; love was united; Come now let us join in prayer; a prayer to the Father for Unity:
Father, I come to You and ask You to enlighten Your sheep, enlighten them to find Peace and Love in Unity, amen."
To learn more about Vassula, a modern day prophet go to... http://www.tlig.org/
Thank you Farther Rick n' YouTube...
May we all hear the message n' unite together as the first church did. Peace n' Love, Elizabeth