"Never falter, go forward so boldly, so unafraid. I am beside you to help and strengthen you."
January 1, 2009 ... I am your Father before your earthly father; I have fathered you before your father of flesh; bind yourself to Me so that you do not lose Me from your sight and dishonor yourself; obey My principles but with a heart and not a rock; resolve to do right for the rest of your life but with a taste of joy; resolve to put an end to stifling My Holy Spirit of Grace around you so that you, too, can draw your breath in Him...
"I hold the year in My Hands in trust for you. But I shall guide you one day at a time. Each day I supply the wisdom and the strength."
"Trust Me. You are not at the mercy of fate. You are being led. Those who do not serve your purpose are moved out of your path." - "Just go step by step. My Will shall be revealed as you go."
-Two Listeners
Thank you John Michael Talbot n' YouTube
Abba Father, I bind myself and I bind my children to you; I bind their families to you. Let us see, know of your presence in our lives...daily
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...Amen
-Two Listeners
Thank you John Michael Talbot n' YouTube
Abba Father, I bind myself and I bind my children to you; I bind their families to you. Let us see, know of your presence in our lives...daily
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...Amen