O Lord, I cannot find words to praise You, yet I want to talk to You ...
I shall help you, write:
Yahweh visited me,
like a gust of wind, His Spirit lifted me
and showed me His Countenance,
He revealed to me: Tenderness, Love and Infinite Goodness,
He then showered me with Blessings
and offered me Manna in abundance
to share It with my brothers;
He walked with me in the land of oblivion,
from down among the dead
He took me among those who have forgotten Him,
He raised me, restoring the memory of my soul;
O Lord, Yahweh, how grateful I am!
may Your Sweetness, O Lord, be on us all,
blessed be Yahweh for ever and ever; Amen;
...and now, daughter, the terrors of the night are behind you and before you, I Am; I shall bring you safely Home, back where you belong... from True Life In God.
Thank you...eivega n' YouTube.
"Everything starts from prayer. Without asking God for love, we cannot possess love and still less are we able to give it to others. Just as people today are speaking so much about the poor but they do not know the poor, we too cannot talk so much about prayer and yet not know how to pray." Mother Teresa
I shall seek You all the days of my life...
In His Love,